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Sex is undoubtedly on your mind. So don’t you want a human sexuality text that reflects your life situation and answers your questions? Loaded with information that students like you want and need to learn, this text hits the mark as it addresses concerns that students have about themselves with scientific fact, sensitivity, and humor. Going beyond simply providing a foundation in sexuality’s biology and psychology, SEXUALITY NOW: EMBRACING DIVERSITY connects with you by exploring contemporary issues, changing sexual practices and behaviors, and their impact on your life. Complemented by informative visuals, the book covers the fluidity of gender and sexual orientation and takes into account the diverse contexts of today’s students. The result is an eye-opening discussion about sexuality that enables you to understand more about yourself — and what’s going on around you.
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ASIN : 1337404993
Publisher : Cengage Learning; 6th edition (January 1, 2018)
Language : English
Paperback : 672 pages
ISBN-10 : 9781337404990
ISBN-13 : 978-1337404990
Item Weight : 2.9 pounds
Dimensions : 9 x 1 x 10.75 inches